Andrew Keen and Chris Anderson on webculture
MY Space, YOU Tube, FACE book, FRIENDster, .... it's all about ME and YOU and US! This blog is the best example of unimportant ramblings of a non-educated common person, a mother, trying to make your day a bit brighter by unloading and sharing my not-so-important thoughts with who ever wants to know. If anyone would ever ask me to write a column for the SF Chronicle I would burst out laughing and of course never take on such a task, simply because I am obivously not qualified for such a job. This is just a fun little project that I share with my friends. I am not so worried about the web 2.0 population deciding what we read, and spoiling our taste for good music and literature. Most people in this world don't even own a computer, have email or know what a blog is. Isn't this more a conceited concern of the Western World forgetting (once again) that we are not the only ones around?
For a really sophisticated and educated opinion on the web 2.0 phenomenon you should check out todays cover story of the SF Chronicle's Business Section. A great discussion between Andrew Keen and Chris Anderson.
Andrew is also a friend of mine, and just finished his book "The Cult of the Amateur" which will be published in May 2007. He is a wonderful writer and this should be a great read...I will remind everyone in May.

His blog is called "The great Seduction" and he does some awesome interviews on his podcast "After TV" --
The funny thing is: if it wasn't for Andrew I would have never started a blog! Maybe I should have asked his permission before I did?
For a really sophisticated and educated opinion on the web 2.0 phenomenon you should check out todays cover story of the SF Chronicle's Business Section. A great discussion between Andrew Keen and Chris Anderson.
Andrew is also a friend of mine, and just finished his book "The Cult of the Amateur" which will be published in May 2007. He is a wonderful writer and this should be a great read...I will remind everyone in May.

His blog is called "The great Seduction" and he does some awesome interviews on his podcast "After TV" --
The funny thing is: if it wasn't for Andrew I would have never started a blog! Maybe I should have asked his permission before I did?
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