Question of the week:

So (when) can my child walk to and from school alone? Are we as parents over protective or not cautious enough? Are we projecting our fears onto our children, by stopping them to develop their independence, and healthy common sense? My friend suggested to post a weekly question and this was the first one that came to her mind.
Growing up in a small village in southern Germany this was just never a question for my parents. Everyone walked to school and I think still does. Which does not mean there weren't any strange encounters and the world was a perfect place.
See what Anne Karpf (The Guardian, UK) has to say and ...
please, leave a comment for my friend, who really wants to know!!
I think there are safer environments for kids to learn independence skills than the space between your house and school.
What an uptight worry wort, when your number is up, it's up. You have no controll over that, so why not enjoy life and stop worrying about what "could" happen.
ok, maybe don't walk to school if you live in Lebanon.
ummmm, or Gaenserndorf, Austria
ummmm, or Nickel Mines, Pensylvania
orrrrr, Berkeley, CA
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