My CNG Racecar: An Interview with Larry
When I pointed out an environmentally friendly car to an 11 year old, I said:" great car,...what do you think of these?" he did a little frown, looked at me, and said:"..Yeah,...but they are missing the "UMPF". He obviously had never driven a car, but he knew more than I did, so I decided to go and do some research. Here is a what my friend Larry told me about his car:

You drive a car that is good for the environment but is not a hybrid?
Yes, a Honda Civic GX, 2001 -- it’s a natural gas powered car, CNG for short. It’s silver and seats four people. You get about 35 miles per gallon.
Aren’t you into racecars, fast cars? How does this car fit in with your image?
Well, it saves money and therapy..(laughs).. I don’t get road rage anymore . Before I always wanted to drive fast and I would get impatient with other drivers – now I drive politely and even let others go ahead of me. It changed my style of driving… because it’s not a fast car.
So your environmentally-friendly car has made you a better person?
Yes, I guess it has had an overall positive effect. It makes me more responsible and helps me get in touch with my inner peace. It’s also an automatic – which is a more relaxing drive than my other/previous stick shift car. It is interesting how a simple thing like the car you choose to drive can have a really big effect on how you feel and act.
How do you like that car pool lane?
I used to have 60-70 minute commute and now I am saving 20 minutes. It’s primarily a selfish choice to save time but has the bonus of being good for the environment. The DMV started a program to give out gold stickers for 50,000 hybrid cars to commute on the carpool lane, but then they revised the limit to 75,000 and they are nearly out. But CNG cars can always get carpool lane stickers, it is an older program and has the same stickers, but silver in color. I don’t think there is a limit. CNG vehicles came out before hybrids but somehow the hybrids became all the craze. Now when I hear the morning traffic report say the Bay Bridge is backed up, I chuckle to myself because I know I’ll whiz by those people.
Where do you get your gas?
You have to go to a special gas station, and you never get that nasty gas smell on your hands. You do need to plan ahead and know where the stations are that provide natural gas. In the cities there are plenty of stations, for a trip to the country. Make sure you plan ahead! I can get 150 miles for a tank that will cost $8.00 to fill up. The tank is in the trunk and reduces the storage space a bit.
So what do you like about your car?
- passing everyone while in the commute lane
- the cheap gas... for my commute to work and a bit of driving around I spend about $40/month
- less pollution
- quieter then my previous car …but not as quiet as a hybrid
- it’s an automatic
And what don’t you like?
- It’s too slow – I have to accept that...I’m never going to get 0 to 60 in under 5 seconds, more like 12! Besides being on the lethargic side it is just like a normal Civic, which is a fine plain vanilla transportation.
And why did you not buy a hybrid?
I could not afford to buy the newest technology hybrid and I didn’t want an older model since the technology is changing so rapidly. I also thought it would be interesting to drive and live with an alternative fuel vehicle, it goes back to my core value set which includes “celebrating diversity” ..(laughs)..
(PS…Larry told me that he is actually starting to build a sports car in his garage…but that’s a whole other, long story, he said…)
Yes, I am a man of contradiction, a car guy driving this marshmallow of a vehicle around – but, if you are truly into cars you can find the beauty in every car.

Read's review of Larry's car

You drive a car that is good for the environment but is not a hybrid?
Yes, a Honda Civic GX, 2001 -- it’s a natural gas powered car, CNG for short. It’s silver and seats four people. You get about 35 miles per gallon.
Aren’t you into racecars, fast cars? How does this car fit in with your image?
Well, it saves money and therapy..(laughs).. I don’t get road rage anymore . Before I always wanted to drive fast and I would get impatient with other drivers – now I drive politely and even let others go ahead of me. It changed my style of driving… because it’s not a fast car.
So your environmentally-friendly car has made you a better person?
Yes, I guess it has had an overall positive effect. It makes me more responsible and helps me get in touch with my inner peace. It’s also an automatic – which is a more relaxing drive than my other/previous stick shift car. It is interesting how a simple thing like the car you choose to drive can have a really big effect on how you feel and act.
How do you like that car pool lane?
I used to have 60-70 minute commute and now I am saving 20 minutes. It’s primarily a selfish choice to save time but has the bonus of being good for the environment. The DMV started a program to give out gold stickers for 50,000 hybrid cars to commute on the carpool lane, but then they revised the limit to 75,000 and they are nearly out. But CNG cars can always get carpool lane stickers, it is an older program and has the same stickers, but silver in color. I don’t think there is a limit. CNG vehicles came out before hybrids but somehow the hybrids became all the craze. Now when I hear the morning traffic report say the Bay Bridge is backed up, I chuckle to myself because I know I’ll whiz by those people.
Where do you get your gas?
You have to go to a special gas station, and you never get that nasty gas smell on your hands. You do need to plan ahead and know where the stations are that provide natural gas. In the cities there are plenty of stations, for a trip to the country. Make sure you plan ahead! I can get 150 miles for a tank that will cost $8.00 to fill up. The tank is in the trunk and reduces the storage space a bit.
So what do you like about your car?
- passing everyone while in the commute lane
- the cheap gas... for my commute to work and a bit of driving around I spend about $40/month
- less pollution
- quieter then my previous car …but not as quiet as a hybrid
- it’s an automatic
And what don’t you like?
- It’s too slow – I have to accept that...I’m never going to get 0 to 60 in under 5 seconds, more like 12! Besides being on the lethargic side it is just like a normal Civic, which is a fine plain vanilla transportation.
And why did you not buy a hybrid?
I could not afford to buy the newest technology hybrid and I didn’t want an older model since the technology is changing so rapidly. I also thought it would be interesting to drive and live with an alternative fuel vehicle, it goes back to my core value set which includes “celebrating diversity” ..(laughs)..
(PS…Larry told me that he is actually starting to build a sports car in his garage…but that’s a whole other, long story, he said…)
Yes, I am a man of contradiction, a car guy driving this marshmallow of a vehicle around – but, if you are truly into cars you can find the beauty in every car.

Read's review of Larry's car
what a handsome guy!
with a chick magnet car!
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