Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Yes, I want to....knit with you...forever!!

Hunting down the most incredible craft creations, Maureen, the living room safari's very own craft expert came across the "knitted wedding". What a fun idea - so creative - I wonder what that cake tasted like. Here are just a few pictures but to see more you must check out the site which has many, many more crazy things you never imagined anyone would knit.

And if you are in the Bay Area this weekend, and want to check out the "knitterati", you should go to the Stitches Convention at the Santa Clara Convention Center. You might see Maureen there hunting down more treasures and tales on her knitting safari.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Duct tape - brilliant and nasty!

Probably the only thing I share with Dick Cheney is an interest for duct tape. It can be such a quick and cheap solution for otherwise pricy or irreparable problems. I am sure everyone has at least one good example for a situation when duct tape has saved them. It is holding together my little digital camera (the battery door keeps on falling off otherwise), my neighbor patched a few holes in his kayak with it (and now happily paddles in the waters of Tamales Bay), my cycling friend uses it to close her bikeshoe.... and, and, and...

I know it is made out of horrible stuff - nothing natural, organic about this. But
my 9 year old daughter loves duct tape, too. She has used it to make all kinds of stuff - she made a very neat bag - which got my husband to forward me an article from maclife that includes instructions about how to make a book bag out of duct tape by Niko Coucouvanis (see above).

A few months ago I spotted a neat little book at the Berkeley Library - but when I returned to check it out it had disappeared from their shelves - I couldn't even find it in their database, but thanks to the help of the librarian I found it again online.
It is by Ellie Schiedermayer: Got Tape? 25+quick and easy duct tape projects for the Whole Family! She decided to share her passion for duct tape by writing this book when she was a student at West High School in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. The book includes some awesome projectes such as: wallets, skirts, belts, sandals and much more...

So here is your homework: send me a picture of something you fixed/created with duct tape - come on! you can do it!!